Local History


Back in 1964 a small group of worshipers rented the Methodist Church in Huachuca City, Arizona. This group was the nucleus of what would become the Sierra Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church. Five acres was purchased on the outskirts of Sierra Vista. The members wanted to have a church and also a church school. The members were few, as were the funds. Yet the people put aside their differences and their wish for a new church building.

That early group knew the value of education and more importantly the value of “Christian Education”. The group opted for constructing a school building before the church was constructed. The Cheatham, Clear, Kelly, Murray, Nick, Quick, and Spooner families pooled their knowledge and with the help of the Holy Spirit the project got started. The plans were drawn by Bro. Marvin Nick, and the school construction was started 1968. It was completed in 1970.

The congregation met in the Church School each Sabbath for the next four years. The members wanted to have a church building in which to worship God. However, the building was not primary to the worship service. The group knew that true worship came from the heart not from a fine new building. Children’s desks were move along with putting up chairs on Friday afternoons. After Sabbath services the building was again transformed into a classroom for the start of school on Monday morning. The congregation grew in size and when funds were available the church was started. Again , it was Bro. Nick who drew the plans and got the project on course. The congregation gave many items to help finance the building project: a used car, a fine new Shot Gun, many household items, and other personal items were denoted. The people did all the work.

A humorous anecdote is that before the construction was started a few electrical wall outlets were purchased at Sears Roebuck. Bro. Cheatham’s father was a retired Sears employee and he got a 10% discount!--“Every Penny Counted” . Since every nail was pounded in by a church member the construction cost was kept low. You see when the people place God first in their lives and work for the good of the church God blesses so abundantly. “ If God is for us who can be against us?” (Act 8:31).

Recently the church has embarked on an extensive remodeling projects under the direction of our Head Deacon. The main sanctuary is going through an updating of audio and visual elements. A new sound system has been installed and a new motorized screen is now available to the congregation . As earlier stated the congregation did all of the labor for the construction of the church. Money was a prime consideration, in fact the lights in our sanctuary were designed and manufactured by the members themselves. These lights, today, still are in use. It was not only the lights but the original pews were manufactured by the people. It is not possible to speak of the construction of the church without fighting back tears of emotion because of the sacrifice of the people and of their arduous work ethic that allowed this outstanding church facility to be conceived, planned, and erected with God and His Holy Angels and THE PEOPLE of the congregation working, in some cases, day and night.

The restroom facilities have been remodeled and updated. Oh yes, the pews are new, but this time they were purchased and shipped to Sierra Vista. Money again played and important part of our church ‘s sanctuary. The pews were picked up in Missouri and brought here by a trucking company at no cost to the church. You see a young man who spent his formative years attending the Sierra Vista church owned a trucking company in the Phoenix area and he remembered what this church meant to him. The church was not charged for the transportation. Yes! The congregation again rolled up their sleeves and assemble the pews thereby saving several thousands of dollars. The work ethnic has been reproduced in our young people and this is carrying over into all aspects of their adults lives.

The original school building is under going major changes. The congregation no longer has enough children to warrant operating an elementary school. The building is being refurbished and outfitted for use as a Fellowship Hall. The kitchen is expanded and new appliances are being installed. Cabinets are being installed and the electrical service was up graded to accommodate the new equipment. Just like the school building and the main sanctuary all of the labor is being accomplish by the congregation. God surely has blessed this congregation. He provided the member who have the ability and are willing workers to enhance the entire church complex. Praise God for all of His goodness.


Additional structures for athletic activities are being studied and may include a gymnasium in the future. God has a plan for our church and we will continue to serve and worship Him.